
Creating a custom ringtone on the Treo 650

The Treo 650 can use WAV files as ringtones natively, so you can easily use a snippet of your favorite song as a ringtone. Here's how:

1) Get a song onto your computer. If you're getting the song from a CD, rip the song to WAV format (not MP3.) If you already have the song in MP3 format, that's ok, but you're just going to convert it back to WAV anyway.

2) Open the song file in an audio editing program such as Audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/), CoolEdit, or SoundForge. Use the program to trim the song down to the snippet you want to use as your ringtone - I'd suggest no more than 10 seconds or so.

3) To shrink the snippet, you can convert it to mono, either by using just one of the channels (i.e. either right or left) or by mixing the two channels down to one. You'll probably also want to amplify the snippet after you've converted it to mono. Details on how to do this vary depending on which audio program you're using, but it should be fairly straightforward.

4) Save the snippet as a WAV file. The Treo 650 cannot play MP3 files without additional software unfortunately.

5) Upload the WAV file to a website somewhere - i.e. http://my.website.com/~username/ringtone.wav.

6) On the Treo, navigate to the URL where you just uploaded the WAV file. The browser should ask if you want to download the file into Sounds. If you have an expansion SD card, you can put the file there too.

7) Once the WAV file downloads, you'll have a chance to rename it. After that, the snippet should show up in your list of ringtones!